
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Off to Daughter's House

We're off early in the morning to visit daughter and her family and to get much needed cuddles from Baby A. I'm debating whether to take the computer or not. I will try to check in, but I really want to just enjoy baby A and spend time with the little family. I can't wait!

I stayed away from sorting anything today. I really didn't have time. I had a couple of stops to make, some washing to do and then some packing. I didn't hear from the opticians, so I decided to stop in and ask about the glasses. They were there. They said they had texted. I told them I hadn't received one. They weren't sure why I hadn't. While I was picking up the glasses someone came out and asked whether I had left a message. Apparently, the messages left are transcribed. I don't know if it's my accent, but the transcription bore absolutely no resemblance to the message I left. We had a good laugh about it. The glasses will take a bit of getting used to. I'm afraid I'm going to trip over my feet. I wore them a while, but they gave me a bit of a headache. Hopefully, it won't be long until I get used to them!

I'm off to bed so I can get up early, early in the morning. Night!


Things are starting to look a lot greener. I wonder how much will change in just a week!


  1. Leave the computer at home and enjoy that baby. Cuddles a plenty will more than make up for browsing tinterweb.

  2. Have a wonderful visit with your daughter and Baby A!


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