
Saturday, June 3, 2023

Saturday - walk, books and turtles

It's been really hot again the last couple of days. I have been walking, but it's been really early in the morning and I try to get back home again before things really heat up. If I have to go anywhere I've been going right from my walk and then spending the rest of the day at home. We don't have central air conditioning, just a couple of window air conditioners (one up, one down) but it makes it ok in the house, not cool, but not blistering hot either. Things are supposed to be a little cooler next week - highs of 83F or so (28C). 

I didn't do a lot of decluttering yesterday, but I did manage to go around the house and fill a bag of rubbish. I did not count how many items I stuck inside the bag. Today, I sorted out 30 books! I'm not sure whether to count them as separate items or maybe 5 books = 1 item, or maybe one days worth of books as 1 item. Something to think on. 

We were going to go out to the wildlife drive tomorrow but it's a way away (2 and a half hour drive) and I really don't know if I can be bothered to get up ultra early in the morning to catch sight of the birds. I am thinking we should put it off until we go camping as it's only an hour away from the camp sight. 

A couple phone photos from my walk today - it was a day for turtles. There were a few out on the path laying eggs. Someone (one of the workers from the Fish Hatchery, I assume) had tried to protect some eggs.


  1. Woo hoo! 30 books! You'll have your 50 items decluttered by tomorrow at this rate! Well done! I'd count each book as 1 item!

    That looks like a big turtle! Glad someone is trying to keep the nest safe.

    1. I am glad to get some of the books out of the house. Hopefully a lot more will follow!

  2. If I get rid of books I'll count them as one item. I could easily rid myself of fifty books and not even notice they'd gone. I'm going to be absolutely ruthless and try and get rid of half my clothes. Most don't fit anyway

  3. That's the problem with books I have. I need to get rid of more. I'm iffy about the clothes. I have my favourites and I do need to get rid of some. I don't have a tremendous amount of clothes, but I have more than I need!


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