
Monday, November 27, 2023

Sunday, Monday...

Yesterday was a snowy day. We did go out. It was cold and snowy. I had my dentist appointment today. Luckily, in our town, it did not snow enough to cover the roads and I was able to drive myself. It went okay, not great, but okay. It's over and done with now. I don't have to go back until my check-up appointment in March or April (can't remember which and I'll worry about it closer to the time!). It's still snowing outside as I write this. We are under a weather advisory. Could be 2-5 inches of snow. Could be just a dusting. That's the 'fun' thing about Lake Effect snow. There tend to be bands of it and what you get depends on where the bands are. Hopefully there won't be a lot of it!

Tomorrow I shall take a walk if the weather co-operates. It's one of my non-walking-friend day so I don't have to think about anyone walking but myself. I do have to make a meal plan, sort out some gifts (this is a MUST for tomorrow), do some housework and have a general tidy-up. 

A photo from yesterday taken with my camera. I don't generally take photos of people, but I was standing in the snow on the pier leading to Grand Haven lighthouse when this fisherman passed me by with all his gear. He was going to stand out there in the snow and fish! It was slow going pulling his stuff along behind him, leaving trails in the snow


  1. Wow, look at all that snow! You won't find me fishing in that cold! :D

    1. Ha ha, I was out on the pier, but not for long! It was too windy and snowy.

  2. That fisherman was very keen - or totally mad!

    1. They are really hardy here. There are lots of people who ice fish in the winter. I can't understand sitting out there when it's so cold!

  3. That looks so cold! I wonder if the fisherman was pursuing a hobby or if he was trying to catch to sell.

  4. Fantastic photo, thank you for taking and publish it.


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