
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Daughter Left Today

 My daughter drove back home today. She kept in touch when she made stops and let me know when she arrived home. I was glad she got back when she did as both us here in Michigan and where she lives in Minnesota are expecting snow. The roads back today were clear and I am thankful for that. I worry when she drives that far by herself. 

I am so thankful she got to spend the time with me. She helped me through some tough days over the holidays as did my sister - who sent me lots of lovely photos of her smiling, happy grandchildren enjoying their Christmas. 

Today I went for a walk after daughter left and then spent the rest of the day getting rid of dog hair lol. There was lots of it! I washed blankets and bedding and vaccumed. Tomorrow I will catch up on lots of our clothes washing and clearing up the things I haven't been taking care of when daughter was here. It's supposed to snow here in the morning so most of the day will be spent inside. I am going to work on my plans and goals for this year in between doing my housework catch-up. 

This year I am trying to do a photo-a-day. I did one in 2020 and started again last year but when Mum got sick and with all that happened I ended up dropping out. So I am brushing myself off and starting again this year. In 2020 I decided to do Things That Make Me Smile and took the photos completely with my phone. It worked out well as did I really need to try to smile that year! I am going to do the same again this year. I've been feeling down a lot lately and I need to remember that there are always little things that make me smile throughout the day. I'm using my phone because - well, frankly, I find it easier to keep on track with. 

With each photo I usually add a little explanation. I am thinking I might make a separate page for these or I might keep them at the end of each post. 

The second photo on my last post was 2/365 (Jan 2).

This one is 3/365 (Jan 3)

We had snow overnight and for once, when I went for my walk in the morning, it was sunny and there were lots of puffy clouds. My favourite kind of cloud day! The view made me smile and I enjoyed it all the more because it was so peaceful!

4/365 (Jan 4)

Daughter left today. Seems like a strange thing to make me smile, but I so enjoyed her time with me! I am so thankful she was able to come and visit. I am thankful that she has such an understanding, supportive new husband that didn't mind his new wife spending their first Christmas/New Year as a married couple with me. Just thinking of her and her having such a good guy in her life makes me smile. 


  1. I'm glad your daughter was able to spend the holidays with you and she had a safe drive home. Your photos are beautiful and I look forward to seeing them, especially because you are photographing what makes you smile. :) Stay warm and safe when that snow storm hits!

    1. Thanks! I am SO glad she left yesterday as they are saying we could get anywhere from 4-16 inches of snow! I hope it's on the lower end.

  2. You take such brilliant photos - look forward to seeing your year through one-a-day

  3. The idea of daily things that make you smile is an awesome one. Would you mind if I tried something similar? Of course, I'll start late, but that's normal. Take care with all that weather around. Also, slightly envious of your energy in all that washing and tidying.

    1. Of course! Looking for things that make you smile always helps brighten the day a little. Hah! Don't be fooled - I don't have that much energy. It's a good thing the weather is so lousy - I'm not going out in it!

  4. I'm glad you got to spend Christmas with your daughter but glad she got home safely. Can I put in a request for a 'flower of the week' photo this year. I don't mind if it's a weed growing in a crack on the pavement or a glorious garden flower. You take such lovely photo's and I bet you'd really do them justice.

    1. Oh wow - thanks! I shall try for a flower. It might just be something poking out of the ground through the snow at this rate lol

  5. That also make me happy, my daugher's husbands are super! I always told them and their girl friends "marry a man like your dad" My husband babies us...I only let him baby in helping me do things. Im a tough nut and hate to ask for help. I like the idea of a photo a day! I look forward to following along.

    1. I hate to ask for help. It's nice to have someone there to support you though. I am so glad daughter found her husband!

  6. I'm glad your daughter had a safe journey home. Her husband sounds like a real treasure, understanding her need to be with you at this time.

    Looking forward to seeing your daily photos.

    1. He's a really great guy. We're lucky to have him join our family.


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