
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Days Flying By

The days seem to be flying by. We're all trying to get used to having a new baby in the house. Baby A seems to have gotten her days and nights mixed up! She sleeps pretty well during the day and stays awake a lot at nighttime! Poor daughter is tired and still sore. I'm trying to help as much as I can, keeping an eye on Baby A while daughter showers or sleeps. I think Baby A is having quite a bit of gas too which might be making her a little fussy. I'm sure things will settle down after a while. She also has a bit of a stuffy nose, but the doctor said it was normal. Daughter's husband still has another week off work and he's really a hands-on dad. Obviously as daughter is breast feeding, he can't help with that, but he's helping as much as he can. 

Baby A really is delightful though. She moves around a lot even when she's sleeping! She's had her eyes open more the last couple of days and seems to spend time looking around. The dogs are getting used to her, they seem a little startled when she cries. Sasha, the husky, sits by her living room bassinet while she's sleeping and seems quite curious about her. I think daughter and her husband are quite pleased how the dogs are adjusting. 

I haven't been out for walks. There has been some snow overnight and I'm sure you all know how I feel about driving in the snow! I have been working on photography projects while I have some spare time and doing a bit of reading. I have a list of photography projects that I want to get done this year. While I'm at daughter's I'm working on organising and labelling my SD cards and re-looking at some older photos. I am missing being out taking photos, but I have been taking quite a few of the baby! It's certainly different for me as I tend to take nature photos. 

Yesterday was #1day12pics. It's something A Year with my Camera does and I am trying to do each month with a theme. This month I chose to do 'New Baby'. My daughter and son-in-law understandably want to limit online photos of the baby so the ones I chose for my twelve photos are details. You can't see her face. 

Phone Photos - Things That Make Me Smile 6/366

Sierra was so tired out by all the baby happenings she fell asleep with her toy close to her. Made me Smile!

7/366 - The first book finish this year! I was actually a little disappointed in it. I usually like the books by this author, but I found this one a little flat. I was glad to be done with it!


  1. It's amazing how much time a baby takes up - so small and so demanding. The baby detail photographs are delightful - each little feature so perfect.

    1. She is lovely, I loved taking even the little details photos. I think that's something that will be forgotten, just how small everything was.

  2. Love the collage of the baby's photo details! And Sierra cuddling with her toy Having a new baby is quite an adjustment for everyone. I'm sure your daughter appreciates having you there to help!

    1. Thanks. Yes, it's a bit of an adjustment. I hope I'm helping out!

  3. Oh sweet little baby pictures. It's funny to me...the generation that grew up showing everything on facebook now won't share their children's pictures...don't get me wrong, that's a good thing, but why didn't you (my daughter's) care before? Like when you shared some funny not so funny photos of me lets say....on your facebook pages long before I had facebook....ahahah!

    1. True! My daughter doesn't generally post a lot on social media at all, her husband, on the other hand likes to, so I think their compromise was that he could share a few photos but not a lot. As a rule, I don't generally share a lot of family photos online. That's just me. Once in a while I will but personally I'm not a big fan of having my photo taken and wouldn't like others to share my photo, so I'm a bit conscious about sharing photos of other people!


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