
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a lovely New Year's Eve. We managed to stay up until Midnight. I celebrated first with a surprise video call from my sister. I ended up crying. Sigh. I always find New Year's Eve rough as Mum and I used to celebrate together listening to Big Ben ringing in the New Year and telling each other we would see each other later in the year. Later on husband and two sons wished me a Happy New Year as the ball dropped in New York. Daughter lives in another time zone, one hour behind Michigan, so we had to sit up another hour to see in the New Year here! Phew. 

I am still working on my goals for the New Year. I'm still thinking about the choice of a word for the year. Sadly I don't seem to do too well with those! Hopefully I'll share the goals in tomorrow's post. 

Anybody else have goals for the New Year? 

I am going to do Phone Photos Things That Make Me Smile 365 or rather 366 again this year. I missed doing it last year. It does make me look for something to make me smile even when things seem rough.


Sierra made me smile today. She's so goofy. 

Back tomorrow. 


  1. Happy New Year, Sharon! Sounds like you celebrated three New Years in one evening! LOL.
    I haven't made any goals for this year, but, will probably continue with last year's "aspirations"!
    Sierra looks like she's not too impressed by something!

    1. Ha ha, that's probably because I'm petting her and trying to take her photo lol.
      Your aspirations sounds like a good plan.

  2. New Year's Eve is rather a poignant time so we usually go to bed early. The firework displays around the world seem to be ever more competitive - so much money going up in smoke and the celebrations seem to be somewhat manufactured. Everyone must be seen to be having a wonderful time. I'm just a grump!

    1. Yeah it does seem like a lot. I really used to enjoy it with Mum. Celebrating the new year always meant we were a little closer to seeing one another again. Instead of saying 'see you next year' it was 'see you later in the year'. Such a little thing, but it kept me going.


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