
Wednesday, December 20, 2023


I got up early this morning, determined to see a sunrise. I made it! The wildlife drive opens 30 minutes before sunrise and closes 30 mins after sunrise. It was really beautiful. 

Look at that wonderful sky!

Hard to see in this photo (it's from my phone) but one of the eagle pairs were sitting in one of the trees. Was lovely to see. 

I was really sad to see on their Facebook page that the Wildlife Drive will be shut from Friday! It's usually already closed as, by now, there is lots of snow, but not this year. I suppose I should be thankful it's still been open this week. The good news is that, as long as the weather is good, there are lots of trails that I can explore. 

Bad news, daughter broke her phone and has to send it away to be fixed!!! She has breakage coverage, but there is nowhere close that will be able to fix it (broken screen) so has to send it away. She did check on prices for it to be fixed and it would cost $300! Needless to say, she has opted to send it away, but that means she will be without a phone for several days. I will be staying at the house with her just in case something happens (as they have no landline). We are hoping she'll receive the package to send it in by Friday so I will have at least until the end of this week to get out and about. 

I'm getting up early again tomorrow so I can get in one last morning at the Wildlife Drive. 

Back tomorrow. 


  1. Thank goodness you're there with your daughter.

    The pictures are beautiful.

    1. Thank you. Yes, glad there will be someone here just in case!

  2. Gorgeous sunrise - I can almost smell the clean, cold air.
    Bad time of year to have to send things away for repair. I hope it returns before the baby arrives.

    1. It was really beautiful.
      I think it will take a while. It won't go out until after Christmas. Hopefully they will get it back pretty quick though I'm not counting on it!

  3. Beautiful sunrise photos! Sorry to hear about daughter's phone breaking. Hope she can get it repaired and back before too long.

    1. Thanks. Yes, we are hoping. Who knows at this time of year though


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