
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

 I can't believe we are almost done with this...well, I'm not quite sure how to describe this year. I'll be glad to see it go but I'm not sure next year - especially the beginning half - will be a lot better. I am going to try to stay optimistic. Things could be a lot worse for us and I have to keep reminding myself of that. 

It's been a long ol' day today. My morning walk usually sets me up for the day and - I'm said it before - that I feel quite lost without it. The weather outside though really was frightening. We had snow overnight which then turned to freezing rain and then rain. So it was water on top of the ice on top of the snow. Yuck. It rained most of the day. I was supposed to have a hair appointment. Son volunteered to drive me. Before the appointment we were going to stop at a couple of places. While at one of these places my hairdresser got hold of me to let me know that she was running late. She thought it could be 20+ minutes. She sounded a little stressed (dropping off two children at daycare) so I let her know that it was up to her and if she wanted to reschedule for next week that was fine with me. So no hair appointment today. 

I came home and started on tidying up the craft room and stalled! I got distracted and ended up working on a couple of projects. I also finished reading my last book of the year. I suppose there were more productive things I could be doing though to be fair I did get the normal housework done. 

Photos today - a couple of things that have made me smile in the last couple of days. 

These were one of the few things I bought in the after Christmas sale just because a) I could use them and b) who could resist a husky and a hedgehog? They really were a bargain. 

A cute little keychain my daughter gave me. We both have a thing for keychains. 

Was there something little that made you smile in the last couple of days? 


  1. I like all the cute things you found or were given. My daughter being home has been making me smile with happiness this whole week!

    Wish you and yours a very happy New Year! May it be a good one for us all!

  2. Tony and I are a total suckers for an 'after Christmas sale' and have bought many a useful item to add to the festive stash. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 2021 will turn out to be a good year once it gets going.

    1. I hope it will be! I always forget where I've put things so I usually don't buy a lot lol

  3. Your weather sounds horrendous! We just have a frosty start to the day and I haven't wanted to go out. How's your foot? I hope it's stopped hurting.
    A little something that made me smile was hearing my neighbour whistling as he brought his wheelie bins back from the kerb ... for that split second, everything felt normal!

    1. I think because it's been warmer than usual we're having the freezing rain mess. There is more forecast (and then snow) for tomorrow. Great start for the new year! Thanks for asking about my foot. It's still hurting. I am going to buy a brace for it and see if that helps.

  4. Probably our puppies - they are a handful, but cute!


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