
Friday, January 20, 2023

It's Friday!

Cloudy and rainy yesterday. Cloudy and snowy today. Sigh. Can't say I'm happy it's cloudy again. Yesterday I got rained on while I was out for my walk, today I got snowed on. It was quite peaceful. And muddy. Very muddy. And slippery. I'm feeling quite uninspired going out walking. 

My funny little squirrel was out in the garden again. Not sure if it's a boy or girl, haven't looked quite that closely lol, but it is getting quite bold. I barely got out of my car before s/he was up at the door begging for a peanut! At one point s/he was up on the garage looking very cute and scratching its ears. 

Really made me smile! 

With the horrible weather out the birds were busy at the feeders. I went out at one point to put some food out and was surprised there were no birds around. It was only as I was heading back into the house that I realised exactly why. 

This hawk was sitting on the fence! Looking for lunch I assume! Not sure if it managed to catch anything or not, but few birds came back for the rest of the day. Even the usual evening Cardinals seemed to be missing. Sigh. 


  1. Such a cute picture of the squirrel! It looks so funny! That hawk looks beautiful, even if it preys on the birds. I hope you get some sunshine during the weekend.

    1. It's a really cute squirrel. I love the hawk even though he is a predator. I suppose he has to eat too!

      Thanks for the wishes for sunshine, but it's really not looking good. Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  2. that is a cute squirrel! One time I had a hawk sitting on top of my bird feeder. When my chickens get super quiet, or I look and don't see any in the yard, I know a hawk is close.

    1. Exactly! I know when there is a hawk around as the garden is really quiet and the bird feeders full. There has been one around several times this week.

  3. That is a brilliant photo of the squirrel ... it made me smile too. xx


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